10 Easy Ways How to Beat an Aries Man at His Own Game

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how to beat an aries man at his own game

Dating or crushing on an Aries man can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a bit challenging. These men are fire signs, which means that they are flirty, passionate, and adventurous. You may feel like you’re out of control and wonder how to beat an Aries man at his own game.

Who wouldn’t want to date a man like that? However, there is a downside to dating an Aries man. This man can also struggle with commitment, can play games, and can act a bit immature. He may use these tactics to dominate you in the relationship and get his way.

If you’re dating or crushing on an Aries man and you find yourself getting played by his games, you will need to be smart and strategic. This will help you to beat him at his own game.

This way, your man won’t be able to take advantage of you and you’ll be able to keep him interested in you for the long haul.

Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

  1. Plan Spontaneous Dates
  2. Use Friendly Competition
  3. Support His Goals
  4. Show Him You’re Independent
  5. Honor His Need For Freedom
  6. Ask Him For Help
  7. Compliment Him Regularly
  8. End the Conversation First
  9. Play Hard to Get
  10. Dress Your Best Around Him

I’ve used these techniques as a way to turn my Aries man’s games around on him and it’s worked like a charm. If you find yourself getting played by your Aries man, get started on these tips. Watch as he starts to play by your rules instead!

How to Beat an Aries Man at His Own Game

Here are my top tips on how to beat an Aries man at his own game:

1. Plan Spontaneous Dates

Aries men love spontaneity. They crave adventure and excitement. So, if you want to keep your Aries man interested, start planning spontaneous dates.

This could be anything from a last-minute weekend getaway to tickets to a concert that’s happening next week. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that will get his heart racing.

2. Use Friendly Competition to Beat Him

Aries men are also competitive by nature. They love to win and they love a good challenge. So, if you want to keep your Aries man engaged, start using friendly competition to your advantage.

This could be anything from a friendly game of tennis to betting on who can do the most push-ups in a minute. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that will get his competitive juices flowing.

3. Support One of His Goals

Aries men are ambitious and goal-oriented. They have big dreams and they’re always working towards achieving them. So, if you want to support your Aries man, start by supporting his goals.

This could be a big way to wrap an Aries man around your finger. Although he is ambitious, he also struggles with staying on track with his goals. If you can be the one to help him stay focused and motivated, he’ll be putty in your hands.

4. Show Him You’re Independent

Aries men love independent women. They are attracted to women who are strong and capable of taking care of themselves. So, if you want to catch your Aries man’s eye start by showing him that you’re an independent woman.

This could be anything from being financially independent to being emotionally independent. Whatever it is, make sure you’re conveying to him that you don’t need a man to take care of you. You can take care of yourself just fine, thank you very much.

5. Honor His Need for Freedom

These passionate men also need a lot of freedom. They need space to roam and they need time to themselves. So, if you want to keep your Aries man happy, start by honoring his need for freedom.

This could be anything from giving your Aries some alone time every day to letting him go on boys’ weekends without you. Whatever it is, make sure you’re giving him the freedom he needs to be happy.

Related: How do you know if your Aries man is losing interest?

6. Let Him Know You Want His Help

Aries men have a protective streak, and the best way to activate this is by asking him for help. Whether you need help with something physical or you need his advice on a situation, asking him for help is a great way to get him to step up and take charge.

7. Compliment Him Regularly

As the first sign of the zodiac, this sign has a big ego and they like it to be stroked. They need to know that you find them attractive and that you appreciate all they do for you.

So, if you want to beat your Aries man at his own game, you should let him know all the little things you like about him.

This could be anything from telling him he looks handsome to thanking him for his help. Whatever it is, make sure you’re regularly expressing your appreciation for him.

Related: Make the ultimate compliment by getting your Aries man the perfect gift!

8. End the Conversation First

If you want to keep your Aries man on his toes, start ending the conversation first. This will leave him wanting more and he’ll be eager to continue the conversation next time you talk.

This could be anything from saying you have to go even though you don’t want to end the conversation to changing the subject abruptly. Whatever it is, make sure you’re keeping him guessing. This will help you to beat one of the most dominant Aries male traits.

9. Play the Game Hard to Get

One of the best ways to beat your Aries man at his own game is to play hard to get. This means not being too available and not being too easy to read.

This could be anything from taking a little longer to respond to his texts to being mysterious about your plans. Whatever it is, make sure you’re keeping him guessing and that he’s not always sure what you’re up to.

10. Dress Your Best Around Him

One of the best ways to catch an Aries man’s eye is by dressing your best around him. This doesn’t mean you have to wear something super sexy or flashy. Just make sure you’re looking your best and that you’re putting your best foot forward.

This could be anything from wearing a new outfit to getting your hair and makeup done. Whatever it is, make sure you’re looking your best and that you’re conveying to him that you care about your appearance.

Your Aries man won’t be able to take his eyes off of you and he’ll be putty in your hands.

What Are the Weaknesses of the Aries Man?

Now that you know some of the best ways to outsmart your Aries man at his own game, it’s time to learn about some of his weaknesses. This will help you to know what to avoid and what to use to your advantage.

Some of the weaknesses of the Aries man include:

He Can Be Selfish

One of the biggest weaknesses of the Aries man is that he can be selfish. This means that he’s always looking out for himself and he doesn’t always consider your needs.

An Aries man can make you feel on your own when he is being selfish. He feels this game needs to have a winner and loser, which makes it hard to collaborate with this Aries.

He Can Be Impulsive

An Aries man is always trying to find new exciting experiences and to show off his strength. Unfortunately, this can lead him to be impulsive and to make decisions without thinking them through.

This can cause problems in your relationship. Especially if he makes decisions that affect you without consulting you first.

He Can Act Like a Moody Child

An Aries man is known for having a temperament and for being moody. This means that he can act like a child when things don’t go his way. He may throw tantrums or pout when he doesn’t get his way.

You don’t have to play his game and can calmly talk to him about what’s bothering him or take a break from him until he calms down.

He Can Lie and Cheat

Unfortunately, an Aries man’s impulsiveness and selfishness can lead him to lie and cheat. If he’s not getting what he wants from the relationship, he may look elsewhere to get it.

You can beat him at his own game by being honest with him and directly discussing your expectations in the relationship.

How Do Aries Play Mind Games?

Want to stop an Aries man in his tracks when he’s playing his own game? You’ll need to learn how this Aries talks women into giving him his own way. Here are the most common Aries mind games:

The Silent Treatment

A common Aries mind game is to give you the silent treatment. This is when he ignores you or gives you one-word answers in an attempt to get you to cave and give him what he wants.

He May Be Confrontational

An Aries man may try to start arguments or to be confrontational in order to get his own way. This is because this man knows he will have the upper hand if he catches you off guard and gets you to lose your temper.

He May Try to Play the Victim

Another common Aries mind game is playing the victim. This is when he tries to make you feel sorry for him or when he tries to make you feel like you’re the one who’s in the wrong.

He May Withhold Affection

If you’re not giving an Aries man what he wants, he may withhold affection from you as a game. This means he won’t want to cuddle, kiss, or have sex with you. He’s hoping that by doing this you’ll cave and give him what he wants.

Does Ignoring an Aries Man Work?

How to Know When a Leo Man Is Playing You

Aries individuals love attention, so it can be a powerful tool to play your own game and ignore your Aries in order to get him to take you more seriously. Aries people often make people love them by being so lovable, but then suddenly unavailable.

You can replicate this method by being attentive and then suddenly unavailable yourself. For example, you can play hard to get by not responding to his texts right away or making plans with other people when he wants to see you.

Make sure not to be too malicious in your games though, or you may find that the Aries will give up on you altogether.

How To Beat Other Zodiac Men At Their Own Game?

  • Taurus men
  • Gemini men
  • Cancer men
  • Leo men
  • Virgo men
  • Libra men
  • Scorpio men
  • Sagittarius men

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, ladies. These are just a few of the ways you can beat your Aries man at his own game. If you want to catch his eye and keep him interested, start by following these tips. He won’t know what hit him!

Want to learn more about how you can work around the game of an Aries? Check out Aries Man Secrets. This guide will give you all the tips and tricks you need to know about this zodiac sign. Trust me, it will be worth your while and make him yours.

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A 27-year-old Sagittarius looking for love in all the wrong places. A good friend’s advice led to a deep dive into astrology. I created Zodiac Daters to share my newly gained knowledge with the world in an attempt to help other women avoid the pitfalls of dating, relationships, break ups, and sex.

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