13 Clear Signs an Aquarius Man Is Using You

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signs an aquarius man is using you

I used to date an Aquarius man. Unfortunately, he burned me pretty badly. Now that I’ve had some time to reflect on the situation, I know now that he was using me for his own benefit. But at the time I didn’t see it.

So how can you make sure that you don’t make the same mistakes? Aquarius men are known for being aloof and unemotional. But that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to turn on the charm when they need to.

It’s important to tell the difference between an Aquarius man’s independent nature and his disinterest.

I want to provide some signs an Aquarius man is using you so that other women can avoid the same issues. Now that I’ve moved on, I can see the red flags that could have saved me a lot of heartaches.

So, if you’re dating an Aquarius man, or you’re considering it, here are some signs to watch out for:

  1. He plays with you emotionally
  2. He plays hard to get
  3. He doesn’t respect your time
  4. He’s always talking about himself
  5. He doesn’t listen to you
  6. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends or family
  7. He’s not reliable and breaks promises
  8. You never get quality time with him
  9. You catch him in little lies
  10. He doesn’t want to plan for the future
  11. He criticizes the relationship
  12. He Doesn’t Like To Compromise
  13. He Shows Signs of Anger

Let’s dive a little deeper into each of these signs so that you can be sure you’re not being used by an Aquarius man. You’ll be glad you took some time to educate yourself so that you’re never used by an Aquarius again.

13 Signs an Aquarius Man Is Using You

1. He Plays With You Emotionally

Aquarians are known for being a bit emotionally dodgy. This means one moment they can be very engaged, and the next, they can be completely distracted by something else.

This is in the nature of this air sign and it’s hard for this man to stay grounded in one place.

However, if an Aquarius man is using you, he may use this behavior to get control over you. He may toy with your emotions to keep you guessing. You may feel like you’re on an emotional roller coaster when you’re dating an Aquarius man who’s using you.

At the end of the day, he’s doing it so you won’t catch on to his true intentions. If you’re stressed out from emotional uncertainty, it makes it easier for him to take advantage of you or control the relationship.

2. He Plays Hard to Get

Aquarius men generally don’t like to be tied down. They’re known for being independent and they value their freedom. So it’s not unusual for an Aquarius man to play hard to get when he’s first dating someone.

However, if he’s using you, he may take this a step further by leading you on and then pulling away. He may do this repeatedly so that you’re always chasing after him. This is a way to keep you interested and invested in the relationship.

At some point, it’s important to ask yourself, “Is he working for me?” You may have gotten caught in a pattern of chasing and completely forgotten to ask yourself this question.

If you’re always the one doing the work to keep things going, it’s a sign that he’s using you.

Related: Tie your Aquarius man down by getting him the perfect gift!

3. He Doesn’t Respect Your Time

An Aquarius guy who’s using you will not respect your time. He may cancel plans at the last minute or show up late without any explanation. This is because he doesn’t see you as a priority in his life.

Since Aquarius men appreciate independence and personal time, this is a clear sign that he isn’t thinking of you.

When an Aquarian is in love, he will deeply value his partner’s time, whether or not they are spending it together. He usually expects the same thing in turn.

There is clearly an imbalance if your Aquarius man is being rude and wasting your time on a daily or weekly balance.

4. He’s Always Talking About Himself

Aquarius men are known for being self-centered since they can get lost in their ideas. So it’s not unusual for him to talk about himself a lot. However, if he’s using you, he may take this to the extreme and never ask about your life.

You may feel like you’re always the one doing the talking while he just sits back and listens. Or, he may only want to talk about himself and his interests. This is a way for him to keep the focus on himself and avoid any emotional intimacy.

If you’re feeling like you’re being used as a sounding board, it’s time to have a serious conversation with your Aquarius man.

5. He Doesn’t Listen to You

It’s one thing for your Aquarius man to never ask about your life. But in extreme cases, he won’t even pay attention when you’re trying to make a point. He may get lost in his head with another thought, or even talk over you.

Although this is something you may experience more with an Aries or Leo man, Aquarius men can still embody this behavior. If your Aquarius guy is always interrupting you or talking over you, it’s a sign that he doesn’t value what you have to say.

6. He Doesn’t Introduce You to His Friends or Family

Have you been dating an Aquarius man for a while but don’t know any of the people close to him? If so, he may be holding you at a distance. He may not want other people to think that you two are exclusive or serious.

In this way, your Aquarius man may be living a double life. He’s taking advantage of your intimacy and getting to know your community without offering the same in return.

This could be because he has been dating other people and wants to keep things on the quiet side. Or even if he’s only seeing you, he may want to keep you separate from the rest of his life to avoid fully committing.

This is a clear sign that he isn’t ready to take the relationship seriously.

7. He’s Not Reliable and Breaks Promises

Are you struggling with trusting your Aquarius man? When you make plans for a date night, are you worried that he has one foot out of the door? If so, it’s because he’s shown himself to be unreliable.

It doesn’t matter how big or small the promise is, if your Aquarius man can’t keep it, it’s a sign that he doesn’t value your time. He may also make plans and then back out at the last minute without any explanation.

If your Aquarius man is using you, this problem may get worse with time. What starts as one missed phone call may turn into letting you down in larger ways.

This could include not showing up for important events or not being there when you need him in an emergency.

It’s important to be able to rely on a partner in a serious relationship. So if he isn’t willing to give you consistency, he may be using you.

8. You Never Get Quality Time With Him

Just because you and your Aquarius man are physically together doesn’t mean you’re getting quality time. Is your man usually quiet, scrolling on his phone, or watching TV when you’re together? If so, it may be a sign that he doesn’t want to engage with you.

You may feel like you’re in a one-sided relationship where you’re always the one trying to start conversations. If your Aquarius man is using you, he may be taking advantage of your willingness to put in the effort.

Share your feelings with him and let him know you need more attention. If he’s not willing to give you the time and energy you deserve, it may be time to move on.

9. You Catch Him in Little Lies

Aquarius men won’t give you run-of-the-mill lies. They are very intelligent people and know how to spin a story. So if you’re catching your Aquarius man in little white lies, it’s a sign that he’s using you.

These may be things like stretching the truth about his job or making up an excuse for why he was late. But whatever the case may be, these are signs that he doesn’t feel the need to be honest with you.

And if he’s willing to lie about small things, he may also be lying about bigger things. This could include being unfaithful or hiding his true intentions. If you can’t trust your Aquarius man, it’s time to walk away.

10. He Doesn’t Want to Plan for the Future

Aquarius men are ruled by the planet Uranus which is known for its unpredictability. So it’s no surprise that an Aquarius man may be hesitant to make plans for the future.

But if you’ve been dating for a while and he still refuses to talk about the future, it’s a sign that he’s using you. He may not see you as a long-term partner or he may be afraid of commitment.

Either way, it’s important to have a partner who is willing to talk about the future and make plans with you. If your Aquarius man isn’t willing to do this, it’s time to move on.

11. He Criticizes the Relationship

Aquarius men are known as a fixed sign, which means that they like things to stay the same. This means that he may become very critical if you don’t think the same way as him.

If he’s using you, he will find ways to make you feel like you’re not good enough for him. He may do this by pointing out your flaws or comparing you to other women.

This can be very toxic behavior in a relationship and is a clear sign that he’s using you. It’s important to be with someone who makes you feel good about yourself, not someone

12. He Doesn’t Like To Compromise

As a Sagittarius woman, I must admit that I love getting my way in a relationship. But when my Aquarius man was done with the relationship, he wouldn’t budge. We would constantly butt heads because he refused to compromise.

I eventually realized he did this because he didn’t care about my needs or what I wanted. All he cared about was getting his way. If your Aquarius man is always trying to control the relationship, it’s a sign that he’s using you.

13. He Shows Signs of Anger

Aquarius men are known for their calm and cool demeanor. So it’s no surprise that they can be explosive when they’re angry.

If your Aquarius man is using you, he may lash out at you for no reason. This can be a very scary experience because you never know when he’s going to blow up.

It usually indicates that he’s feeling overwhelmed and wants to take it out on you. He is using you to unhealthily cope with his personal problems.

If you’re constantly walking on eggshells around your Aquarius man, it’s time to leave the relationship.

 Will an Aquarius Man Lead You On?

Aquarius men are known for being independent. However, they also enjoy bonding over deep intellectual connections with their partners. It’s possible that your Aquarius man could get so caught up in his own thoughts that he unintentionally leads you on.

Sometimes Aquarians separate parts of their lives. So even though you may be feeling close to him, he may not see you as a romantic partner. If you’re not sure where you stand with your Aquarius man, it’s important to have a conversation with him.

As a rational sign, he will best understand if you explain your feelings to him in a calm and rational way. If he’s not interested in you, he will likely tell you straight out. But if he says he is interested, you may be mistaking his independent nature for disinterest.

If he’s unwilling to talk about the relationship, it’s a sign that he’s using you. He may be afraid of commitment or simply wants a casual fling. Either way, he’s taking what he can get from you without offering much in return.

It’s important to be with someone who is on the same page as you. If your Aquarius man isn’t willing to talk about the future or make plans with you, it’s time to move on.

When Is an Aquarius Man Losing Interest?

Have you noticed a shift in your Aquarius man’s behavior? If he’s suddenly pulling away or is distant, it’s a sign that he’s losing interest.

Aquarius men are known for their need for independence. So, if you’re feeling suffocated by the relationship, it may be a turnoff for him. He may start to distance himself from you as a way to create space.

If you’re always the one initiating plans or trying to get his attention, it’s a sign that he’s no longer interested. He’s not putting in the effort to keep the relationship going.

It’s important to be with someone who makes you feel valued and appreciated. If your Aquarius man is no longer doing this, it may be time to move on.

How to Know if an Aquarius Man Is Serious About You

If you’re wondering whether your Aquarius man is serious about you, there are a few key things to look for.

First, does he make an effort to see you regularly? If he’s always busy or cancels plans at the last minute, it’s a sign that he’s not as invested in the relationship as you are.

Second, does he make an effort to get to know you? If he’s always asking you questions and trying to learn more about you, it’s a sign that he’s interested in a serious relationship.

Third, does he include you in his plans for the future? If he talks about his future goals and includes you in them, it’s a sign that he’s serious about you.

Lastly, does he make an effort to spend time with your family and friends? If he’s interested in meeting people who are important to you, it’s a sign that he sees you as a long-term partner. He should also share his close ones with you as well.

If your Aquarius man is showing these signs, it’s a good indication that he’s serious about you.

Final Thoughts: Signs Aquarius Men Are Using You

Aquarius men can be difficult to read, but if you pay attention to the signs, it’s possible to avoid getting hurt. If you’re in a relationship with an Aquarius man and notice any of these red flags, it may be time to move on.

It always helps to learn more about the guy you’re dating. If you want to know more about what Aquarius men want in a relationship, check out Aquarius Man Secrets. This all-in-one guide can help you understand your Aquarius man better and make sure he’s the right one for you.

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A 27-year-old Sagittarius looking for love in all the wrong places. A good friend’s advice led to a deep dive into astrology. I created Zodiac Daters to share my newly gained knowledge with the world in an attempt to help other women avoid the pitfalls of dating, relationships, break ups, and sex.

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