How does a Scorpio man test you when he is interested in you? Since Scorpios are known to be quite private and secretive, they may not reveal their intentions right away.
I have always had a fascination with Scorpios and I have been tested by them on more than one occasion. As an outgoing fire sign, I’ve had to adjust to their watery and rather quiet way of communicating. It takes a keen sense of reading between the lines to know what is really going on with them.
Although there are many tests that a Scorpio man may throw your way, they are all designed to assess your worth and see if you are worthy of his time. His tests won’t be as obvious and forthcoming as a Gemini man’s test. He will be more subtle about it and won’t tell you right away that he is testing you.
You may notice the following behaviors in a Scorpio man when he is testing you:
- He Pulls the Disappearing Act
- He Asks for Help or a Favor
- He Becomes Quieter in Conversations
- He Asks a Lot of Personal Questions
- He Shares Intimate Details About His Life
- He Tests Your Reaction to Conflict
- He Asks About Your Past Relationships
- He Plays Hard to Get
- He Will Test Your Faithfulness
- He Will Test Your Boundaries
- He Looks For Lies
- He Will Test the Romantic Waters
Read on to find out the different ways a Scorpio man tests you and how to pass his test with flying colors!
How Does a Scorpio Man Test You?
If you’re new to understanding how a Scorpio man tests his potential partners, I have some insights that can help you to learn from my experience. Here are some examples of how I have been tested by them:
He Pulls the Disappearing Act
The Scorpio is comfortable with retreating into his shell when he is feeling overwhelmed or doesn’t know how to deal with a situation. This can be confusing for someone who is trying to get closer to him because it’s hard to understand what he is thinking or feeling when he does this.
This may, however, be a test. He may be trying to see how you handle his more introverted qualities and whether you can connect with him during these withdrawn times. If this is the case, be patient with him and let him come out of his shell when he’s ready to.
Related: Find the best gifts for Scorpio Men in my gift guide!
He Asks for Help or a Favor

The Scorpio man may test you by asking for a favor or help with something. This can be a way for him to see how willing you are to do things for him and if you will be there when he needs you.
He may ask you to do something like pick up some takeout for him on your way home or help with a small task like running an errand. If this is the case, be supportive and do what you can to make him feel comfortable asking for assistance from you.
These small favors let a Scorpio man know that you’re going to be there for him, which is a must if you want to have a successful relationship with this man.
He Becomes Quieter in Conversations
The Scorpio man will test your ability to communicate and connect when he seems more quiet than usual during conversations. He may not speak up as much. This is usually because he is very observant. This is one of the key traits of the Scorpio.
He is trying to see how you handle conversations when he’s not the one doing all of the talking. He also wants to see if you are truly interested in what he has to say. If this is the case, be patient and mindful of his cues. He will open up when he’s ready.
He Asks a Lot of Personal Questions

If your man starts to ask you more questions than usual, this is a sign that he is testing you. He wants to see if you are open and willing to share personal information with him.
Since Scorpios appreciate deep thinkers, they will likely want the same from you. They’ll keep an ear out for answers that are well-considered and thoughtful. Take your time to answer these questions honestly and completely. He will appreciate your candor.
He Shares Intimate Details About His Life
The Scorpio man will test your comfort level by sharing intimate details about his life with you. This can be a way for him to see how open and trusting you are.
Since he is someone who values trust and honesty, he wants to make sure that you are someone he can truly be open and vulnerable with. If this is the case, give him your undivided attention when he talks about his feelings or experiences.
He doesn’t share this side of himself with just anyone. This test means that your Scorpio man is serious about taking the next steps in the relationship.
He Tests Your Reaction to Conflict

The Scorpio man will also test your reaction to conflict. He wants to see if you can handle disagreements in a healthy way and how you deal with anger.
Since the Scorpio sign is represented by the scorpion, they can have a bit of an aggressive side. If this comes out during a disagreement, he will be watching to see how you react.
If you can stay calm and rational during disagreements, it will show him that you are someone he can trust to handle difficult situations. However, if you react with anger or violence, it will push him away.
Related: Find out when a Scorpio man is playing you!
He Asks About Your Past Relationships
Scorpio men value loyalty. He wants to make sure that you haven’t been untrustworthy in your previous relationships. If you have been honest and upfront about your past, he will likely appreciate this.
However, if you have been less than truthful or have hidden things from him, it will be a red flag for the Scorpio man. He wants to make sure that you are someone he can trust and that there aren’t any skeletons in your closet.
He Plays Hard to Get

Scorpio men know that they are desired and they may use this to their advantage. If your man is playing hard to get, it’s because he wants to see how much you want him.
He wants to make sure that you are truly interested in him and not just his looks or the attention he brings. Be persistent if this is the case and show him that you are serious about the relationship.
Just make sure that he is reciprocating the effort. If he’s not, this may be a sign that he isn’t quite as interested in the relationship as you are.
He Will Test Your Faithfulness
This man wants a partner who is loyal and devoted to him. If he suspects that you are not being faithful, he will test you.
He may start to act distant or withdraw his affectionate behavior. This is a way for him to see if you will react negatively and become defensive.
If you can remain loyal and committed to him even when things are tough, he will be impressed.
He Will Test Your Boundaries

Scorpio men are known for being intense and sometimes overwhelming. They don’t have an easy time opening up to other people, so they may push your boundaries without even realizing it.
If he asks you to do something that makes you uncomfortable or if his flirtatious behavior goes too far, the Scorpio man wants to see how you will react.
If you set boundaries and stand up for yourself, he will likely respect this. However, if you let him walk all over you, he will take this as a sign that you are not someone who is strong enough to handle the relationship.
He Looks For Lies
Since the Scorpio man values loyalty and honesty, he will not put up with lies. If you are caught in a lie or if your behavior seems suspicious to him, he is likely going to confront you about it.
He wants someone who can be honest no matter what the circumstances are. He knows that life isn’t perfect and mistakes happen, but he needs to know that you are someone who is trustworthy.
Show him that you are by being honest about the situation if he catches you in one. It may hurt to reveal your mistakes, but he will appreciate it in the long run.
He Will Test the Romantic Waters

The Scorpio man is a very romantic and sensual sign. If he is interested in you, he will test the waters to see how strong your connection really is.
He may start by being affectionate and sending subtle signals that he is attracted to you. If you respond positively, he will continue to escalate the romance.
How do other Zodiac Signs test you?
The question “How does a Scorpio Man test you” has been answered. But what about other Zodiac Men? Do they have their tests? Learn all about it in below articles:
Final Thoughts
This list should prepare you for the most common ways that a Scorpio man will test you. If you notice that your man is doing any of these things, know that he is just trying to get to know you better. Remain loyal, honest, and faithful and you will be rewarded with a deeply committed relationship.
There are even more Scorpio man secrets that you can discover if you want to learn more about this enigmatic sign. Check out Anna Kovach’s Scorpio Man Secrets for an even deeper dive into the mind of the Scorpio man.